Inflation Reduction Act • Grants • Rebates • Government Funded Loan Programs • Tax Incentives

The current narrative says there is more money available for renewable energy projects than ever before. That is true. However, fit is easy to get lost in a sea of information and paperwork.

Bank building and increasing stacks of coins.
European parliament interior
Electric measuring power meter for energy cost at home and office.

If you are looking for funds for a project, you have no doubt felt this. They make it sound like this money is easy to get, and that is just sitting there waiting for you to ask for it. Unfortunately, the reality is that the money is slow to move, requires a large amount of paperwork, and comes tied to a lot of stipulations like sharing data, hiring union, made in USA, etc.

This can be an extremely difficult landscape to navigate, even for the most seasoned developers and institutions.

Astera sees that and has made it a priority. We were born out of the Inflation Reduction  Act. Astera came together after our founders began reading through the IRA and realized the amount of capital that was being allocated and the various ways it could be utilized. Large institutions like Brown & Brown and AEG have made mention of our unique approach and saavy abilities to stack capital and access funds.

1 World Trade Center, 8th Floor Long Beach CA 90831
+1 (562) 676-4320‬

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