Graphene Quantum Dots (GQDs) from Polystyrene

Markets for GQDs in 2023 were $125B and are anticipated to grow 22% per year to $550B by 2031

Group of students in biology class creating molecular models with educational toys.
Glowing hexagonal cells on a concrete background. Abstract background with geometric structure.
LED Diodes. Light source

Styrofoam™ is a Dow Chemical Company trademark for a specific type of extruded polystyrene (EPS) foam used only for art supplies and insulation – which is why we refer to it as ‘polystyrene’. 

Polystyrene is not cost-effective to recycle, and is therefore excluded from most traditional recycling operations.

Astera’s plastic recovery process, known as pyrolisis, can use polystyrene and convert it into a number of viable and profitable products – like GQDs, aviation fuel, ethylene, and propylene.

GQDs have been acknowledged as appropriate for various applications, such as eliminating pollutants and organic dyes through catalysis, absorbing heavy metals, and purifying microbial contamination through filtration.

Therefore GQDs have many different uses, including solar panels, LEDs, wastewater treatment, biomedical applications, and many more.


Polystyrene’s recycling challenges

Microwave pyrolysis (MP) of polystyrene produces GQDs

One of the byproducts of MP of polystyrene is aviation fuels.

In addition the oils from the conversion process can be processed into aviation fuels, while the major gasses produced are ethylene and propylene.

GQDs have many different uses, including solar panels, LEDs, wastewater treatment, biomedical applications, etc,further%20acting%20as%20a%20disinfectant.

Markets for GQDs in 2023 were $125B and are anticipated to grow 22% per year to $550B by 2031.

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+1 (562) 676-4320‬

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